Woo Hoo! Harry Potter! Why am I so excited? Well, some blogger friends of mine have organized a month devoted to the awesome Harry Potter. There will be reviews of the books and many giveaways of all things related to, you guessed it, Harry Potter! Here is a schedule of all the blogs participating and when they will be posting:
10/3 A Girl Reads
10/4 A Girl Reads
10/5 The Zen Leaf
10/6 Consumed By Books
10/10 Good Books and Good Wine
10/11 Chick Loves Lit
10/12 Chick Loves Lit
10/13 Lavender Lines
10/14 Lavender Lines
10/17 Life After Twlight
10/18 Fiction Folio
10/19 Fiction Folio
10/20 Miss Remmers Reviews
10/21 Miss Remmers Reviews
10/22 A Book Worm’s Haven
10/23 A Book Worm’s Haven
10/24 The Book Vixen
10/25 Reading With Tequila
10/26 Reading With Tequila
10/27 Novel Thoughts
10/28 Life After Twlight
I am very excited to see what all the blogs are doing and how they will be celebrating Harry Potter all month. There are also a couple of quizzes you can take here and here that will tell you what house you belong in. Then you can grab one of the buttons below and show support for your house! I took the quizzes and was sorted into the Hufflepuff house, therefore I will be displaying that banner on my blog
Go ahead and put up your houses banner to show off your love of Harry just like the rest of us. So put up the button, follow the blog tour and have a great time during the Harry Potter Extravaganza!!