I am leaving for BEA tomorrow and I am so excited to go!! Before I go though, I was lucky enough to get an interview with Rachel Vincent! You can read the interview below and Rachel was kind enough to offer a signed copy of My Soul to Keep so read on after the interview to enter for a chance to win!
A Bookworms Haven: What gave you the initial idea for the Soul Screamers series?
Rachel Vincent: The decision to write about bean sidhes was a very conscious attempt to explore a bit of folklore that hadn’t been overused in fiction, but that was still easily accessible. Bean sidhes are an established part of Gaelic folklore, but my research provided very little of the hows and whys regarding their wail. So I had plenty of un-answered questions to work with. The world-building came from there—from answering my own questions.
A Bookworms Haven: There are not many books out right now about bean sidhes (banshees), have you done a lot of research to learn about them or have you been using your imagination to create this world?
Rachel Vincent: I’ve done both! Where the lore leaves blanks, I let my imagination step in. It’s a lot of fun!
A Bookworms Haven: In the prequel of the Soul Screamers series, My Soul to Lose we met Lydia who we never quite figure out, will we ever learn more about her or get to meet another being like her?
Rachel Vincent: I hope so. But she’s not currently written into any of the books yet.
A Bookworms Haven: Kaylee has been through a lot in this series and in My Soul to Keep her world gets turned upside down. Do you ever find it difficult to write knowing the path ahead is going to be rough for the characters?
Rachel Vincent: I find it difficult to write anyway. Writing is very hard work. But yes, it is sometimes hard to take characters down paths I know will be unpleasant. But that’s part of the job. As the writer, I have to remain true to the story.
A Bookworms Haven: As the series has progressed we have also met many other types of beings, such as demons and grim reapers, have you done research to add in these new characters or do they come from your own imagination?
Rachel Vincent: No, I actually haven’t researched grim reapers. In fact, I can’t remember ever reading about grim reapers in contemporary fiction, though I know they’re out there. And a couple of people have told me since the first book came out that my reapers remind them of a TV show that went off the air a few years ago, but I’ve never seen it. I do plan to watch it eventually, but not until I’m done writing the Soul Screamers series.
As for the hellions, I made most of it up, but I do take the names and attributes from some established demon sources.
A Bookworms Haven: You have also been writing an adult series about werecats, do you find it hard to shift gears from adult to young adult when writing?
Rachel Vincent: Sometimes. I usually have to go back and re-read a bit from the previous book in each series to get back into that “place” before I start a new book.
A Bookworms Haven: Do you ever find that you are stuck while writing? If so how do you get through it?
Rachel Vincent: I don’t often get stuck in the actual writing, because my books are outlined in advance. But things do change during the writing process, and sometimes what I’d intended to happen is no longer possible, and in those cases, yeah, there’s sometimes a stressful day or two when I’m trying to come up with a workable solution. I usually talk the problem over with both my critique partner and my husband. They throw ideas at me, and most of those bounce off (they don’t click, for whatever reason) but invariably, something one of them says will be that spark I needed to lead me to the right idea.
A Bookworms Haven: What are some of the books on your bookshelf right now?
Rachel Vincent: White Cat, by Holly Black and Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
A Bookworms Haven: Are there any books coming out soon, besides your own, that you are especially excited about?
Rachel Vincent: I read early copies of Banished by Sophie Littlefield and Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and loved them both.
A Bookworms Haven: In the YA world you are working on your Soul Scremers books, will you write any more adult series? Or any other YA titles?
Rachel Vincent: Yes, I have a new adult series currently set to debut next year.
A Bookworms Haven: Do you have anything else you would like to add?
Rachel Vincent: Thanks for having me!
A Bookworms Haven: Thanks so much for the interview Rachel!
My Soul to Keep hits stores officially June 1st (but some stores have it on shelves already.) Make sure you stop by Rachel’s site here for more news on her Soul Screamers series and other things she is working on!
Onto the contest! If you want a chance to win a signed copy of My Soul To Keep leave a comment on this post. If you would like extra entries do the following:
I’m so excited for this book! Thanks for the contest!
Me too and you are welcome :)
I love Rachel Vincent’s books especially her shifters series. Soul Screamers is very interesting too.
+1 Follow you on Twitter. @Charchelar
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/Charchelar/status/14643559863
I love the Shifters series, I cannot wait for October when Alpha comes out!
Great interview. Rachel’s book sounds good. :)
Thank you, it is a great book!
hey rachel,just finished reading shifters.most definately on my must recomend list,keep up the good work.i would love to win my soul 2 keep.here”s hoping jeff
The Shifters series is great. My Soul to Keep is really good too!
Rachel is a fantastic writer. Love both her Shifter and Soul Screamer series. Can’t wait for MSTK.
+1 Follow Twitter – Jovial_1
I love them both as well! You won’t be disappointed with MSTK.
I’d love to win this!
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I am so glad you are excited, it is a great book!
Counting the days until this book is released :-)
I put a link to this contest on my tumblr in the sidebar under the “My Soul to Keep” widget.
Sweet, thank you. I am counting down as well :)
Just another Okie who loves reading your books :)
haha, they are great books!
I love your werecat series and cannot wait for ALPHA to come out in October. Keep up the great work!
I cannot wait for Alpha either, I am really looking forward to it!
Great interview. Please enter me in the giveaway… Thanks.
Thank you and you are entered :)
I want to win I want to win I want to win…have fun in NYC!!!
Thank you! I had a great time, super busy but I got a lot of books :)
So all we have to do is comment….Well there’s a comment for you. Plus, I’ve subsribed to receive e-mails from you.
Thank you and yes, you just have to comment so you are good to go.
big fan of the soul screamers series! would love to win this book!
I am a huge fan of both of the books too!
I follow on twitter, please enter me
Thank you, you are entered in
Great Interview and Giveaway! Please enter me!
Thank you so much, you are entered!
I want to win too <3 So excited! Wish I could see you in NYC! Have fun in my hometown
Thank you, I had a great time! I was super busy but it was worth it :)
Yay contest, thanks! :)
I have read books one and two. I really like Kaylee and the world building. I have been a fan of the Shifter series from the start. :)
I love Kaylee! She really matures in this next one so I am sure you will like it. I love the Shifters series as well!
I love this series and would love to read this latest books!
I follow you on Twitter (@purplg8r)
The books are great, I am know you will love this book too, you are entered in!
Nice interview, thanks for the insights.
Thank you very much.
+1 twitter follower
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+2 tweeted http://twitter.com/liddlshortydemo
Thanks :)
You are welcome :)
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Wow another comp. I’d love too win one of them. As it would be nice to have something signed by one of my favourite Authors.
I love your Shirfters series, just waiting for the Soul screamers to arrive from USA, so I can start reading them, hopefully I won’t have too long to wait now. Looking forward to Alpha, fingers crossed if My Soul To Keep came out early that will too. :)
I am looking forward to Alpha as well! If you like those I am sure you will like the Soul Screamers series as well.
OMG! Ilove! love, love! Rachel Vincents books. they just…. are made of awesome! I don’t know how to describe it! it just makes me love reading even more! I hope I win this contest!
thank you for the opportunity! xox
I feel the same way, I almost went fan girl when I met her this week, so don’t worry you are not alone!
I love the Soul Screamers series and would be very (VERY) happy to get a singed copy (for my sister) and read it as well! it’d just rock
I love this series as well, you are now entered into the contest :)
I loved that you used folklore a the basis for your story.
That is one of my favorite parts too!
I cannot wait! Thanks for the contest!
You are welcome, I am excited too!
I would LOVE to win. Please enter me, and thanks for the great interview. I am a big fan of Rachel’s!
I am a big fan of hers too :)
I just subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader. Very excited to be following your wonderful blog!
Aww, thank you so much! I am so glad you are liking it!
Thanks for the contest! Good luck everyone!
You are welcome and good luck to you as well!
Aw, thanks so much!
I’m super excited to read this next one… :)
Love, Hannah
xoxosweeet at yahoo dot com
Have fun at BEA!
Thank you, I had a blast! I went nonstop the whole time but it was worth it! I am excited for this book too!
I would love to read this, it sounds really good.
It is a great book!
I am a email subscriber.
That is so great! Thank you, you are entered!
I’m enjoying this series, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
You are counted! :)
Glad to find a fellow teacher (I’m a teacher librarian) and reader who blogs (ok, I don’t blog – anymore – but we have the first two in common) and I look forward to reading more from you (now following on twitter and your rss feed). Am also jealous you’re going to BEA – have fun! Can’t wait to read all about it. Love the Soul Screamers series – I’m addicted to YA books, yet just found out I’m being transferred to elementary, so no more recommending them to all of my students! Anyway, thanks for the opportunity – glad I found you!
I have my masters in library and technology because I want to be a librarian eventually :) I am so glad to find a fellow teacher and YA lover like me! BEA was great, sooooo busy! I will put up some info on it soon. Thanks for entering the contest :)
Thank you :)
I love this series! Please enter me.
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I love this series too! I have entered you!
Great contest. Thanks for the chance!
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thank you, I have entered you for the contest!
Great interview. Please enter me.
+1 I’m a new subscriber
+1 I follow you on twitter (@cfulcher)
Thank you, I have entered you!
I would love to read this book!
+1 I follow on twitter @bangersis
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Thank you so much, you are entered :)
This book looks good. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks for the contest.
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Thank you, the book is great :)
I can’t wait to read this book!
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I am so glad you are so excited :0 It is a great book!
I can’t wait to read this book!
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/15111964853
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I am so glad! It is a great book :)
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I so hope I win this contest! Thank you for being so generous! Hope the odds are in my favor this time!
Thank you very much and good luck :)
Can’t wait to read this book. The first two were so good.
You won’t be dissapointed! There us a prequel too, not sure if have read that. It is short but good!
Would love to read this! Thanks for the chance
I am glad you are excited for it :)
I’d love to be entered if I still can, I loved the first two novels :D
Yes you can, the contest does not close until midnight tonight so you are entered!
The interview was great and I was very interested in the folklore the banshee thing springs from. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am glad you liked the interview and you are welcome!