It has been my experience that if you write something down you are more likely to follow through with it. This is especially true with me. If I say something out loud or write it down I usually follow through, so here goes. Plans for my blog in the new year. I am actually coming up on my year mark for my blog soon (seriously gone by super fast) and in the past year I have learned a lot about myself as a reader. Here are some of those things tied in with my goals for the new year:
1. I don’t like contemporary books. Sorry guys, I know the stories are fantastic and there are lots of people who love to read them, but I am not one of them. Why? I lead an ordinary life everyday (not that I am not happy, I am) but I don’t want to read a book about someone else who leads a life similar to mine. I want my books to take me somewhere extraordinary and other worldly, so I stick mainly to the paranormal genres. It took me a while to figure this out, so I would pick up books in other genres, swearing I would get to them. Guess where those books are? On my shelf still in the to be read pile, that’s where. So goal number 1: Only accept books in the genres I am interested in. There are so many fantastic adult and young adult books in the paranormal and fantasy genres. Therefore I do not want to have books in genres I am not interested in pile up on my bookshelf when someone else could be enjoying them far more than me.
2. For my second goal I am going to try to read my books and ARC’s in order of their release dates. This is going to be really hard for me because I like to jump around a lot. Plus, since I have gotten into blogging I have discovered so many new fantastic series that I am behind on I tend to get lost in those worlds and release date’s come and go and I am behind on my reviews again. I really am going to work on this. I am having doubts as I type, but it would not be a good goal if it was not challenging right?
3. I am going to try to branch out a little more. Even though it is easy to talk to you from behind my computer, I still get nervous about it. Especially on twitter, I watch all the conversations and want to join in but I am afraid I am going to say something stupid, so I just watch. I have also blurted out ridiculous things when I meet authors in person. I just get so excited when I am around them because their books mean so much to me. They are like my rock stars. I need to remember they are people too and I can talk to them without being all nervous. So, goal three: branch out more and talk to authors minus the nerves.
That’s it for now. I am going to start out with three simple goals and see how well I do with them. Reflecting back on this year I realize that this blog is one of the best things I have done for myself, ever. I absolutely love reading and blogging and hope to continue on with it long into the future. The most rewarding aspects of this blog have been all the amazing people I have met, both authors and bloggers. We are all share a common thread, we love books! I am so happy I have found my little niche in this world, it just makes this that much more fun. So thank you to all my readers, I hope you continue to enjoy my blog and I will continue to enjoy writing it.
I think that you have set some very worthwhile and reasonable goals…good luck with them!!!
Thanks so much
These are fantastic resolutions! I’m hoping to read more of what I want and like as opposed to stepping outside the box as well. I decided at the end of the year that I don’t like the guilt factor that some put out there that we should all be “well rounded” readers. Why? If I know I don’t like something why should I suffer through it for the sake of someone else’s opinion of me? LOL
Anyway, I hope we have the opportunity to chat more this year.
I totally agree with you, I thought I should step outside my box too and try other books. I always have this voice in the back of my head though that reminds me of all the paranormal books I could be reading and I get distracted.
I love being able to connect with other bloggers!
I hope we get to talk more too
Those are great resolutions! I especially admire the one about reading ARCs in order of release date. It is something I definitely need to adopt myself. I always feel so bad about reviewing ARCs months after the release date. I know you will be successful achieving these resolutions! Happy New Year!